Tuesday, March 30, 2010

New neighbors

New neighbors moving in across the hall. "Across the hall" is about two feet. I'm writing this story about how sunflower seed addiction can spoil a new marriage. This, however, is... somehow more noteworthy:

There are two girls, and a guy keeps fading in and out, but he doesn't seem to be important to this scene. After bellowing "I LOOOOOVE IT" in a grizzly voice from the gut, the girls spend their first ten minutes in the new apartment abusing the speaker system next to the front door.

"Okay okay okay!"
Racing stairs and opening door. Probably a celebratory hug that twirls them in circles for a few seconds.
Closing door and racing stairs.
"Can you hear me that's so coolllLUH."
"Does Jordan want to try? Let Jordan try."
"Jordan doesn't care," says Jordan from a distance.

The walls of this apartment building are pretty thick. Concrete with white paint. I learned the hard way when I thought I would be hanging a hammock in this cluttered hovel.

Actually the hard way would have been attempting to nail the hammock to the wall or ceiling and instead crushing my thumb, or piercing my wrist. My step-father just looked around and told me it wasn't happening. That was hard to hear, though.

I've never been able to hear my neighbors on the speaker system quite so clearly as with these ladies. Maybe that's because most people just buzz you in, or mumble "youhere?k." They don't pretend it's speaker phone in Stacy's bedroom.

I've had my fair share of commotion from #22 in the two years that I've lived here. Angry bald lesbians with a cow-patterned great dane. Gay anti-pot activists. Metrosexual asshole with the one long black piece of hair in his face. The raging bassist and congo drummer at 12 on a worknight. The gothic couple. The guy and girl with the bikes that I saw headed out through the iron gate of the building, and for some reason I barreled right between them anyway. I don't mean anything by it, sometimes I'm just in my own bubble, or my feet just escape me, or who knows what social illness that is. The guy mumbled, "We were... walking..."

I do think the excitement of my new neighbors is sort've sweet, and they aren't even annoying me, per se. I remember how elated I was when I found this place. My gray heart yearns to know other people's giddiness. And I howl with excitement over much pettier things than a really awesome apartment. So I get it. They are some noisy bitches though.