Friday, April 2, 2010

The Madame Telling Time

After a two-minute tutorial on crimping in the middle of a bead shop, I decided I was a jewelrymaker. One word from now on.

The thing holding my pieces afloat is my imagination. There's a lobster clasp but you know what I'm saying. The stainless steel wire I use can hold up to ten pounds, which is knowledge I maybe never should have been privy to, because I'm challenging it.

I've been using a ruler on the internet to measure the wire for my jewelry; for the time being I have misplaced my tape measurer.

This is The Madame Telling Time.

She is a flower with a nest of pearls, green-gold leaves, one snail,

and I made her string so, so, so short. I had intended to make a choker with some left-over materials, and then I found this watch... It looks good attached to the flower, which was originally attached to this dreamcatcher that I had no inspiration to finish.

I'll be restringing her, because this is just ridiculous:

My tendons strrraaain against the bone-like white. Looks painful.